Run DMC and Aerosmith


The Bridge Of Musical Unity

When I was 7 years old, Dr. Dre dropped his album 2001. It was everywhere, the hottest record of the time. What struck me most was seeing white kids, like me, jamming to Hip-Hop for the first time. It was a revelation: music brings us all together, no matter where we're from.

Music, like sports, acts as a universal glue in our divided world. In sixth grade, my chorus teacher taught us "Simple Song Of Peace" by Jerry Estes. The lyrics "music is a universal language taking all our differences away" resonated deeply. Despite our surface-level disparities, music connects us in ways nothing else can.

"Walk This Way" by Run-DMC ft. Aerosmith epitomizes this fusion. Initially met with skepticism, it became a monumental moment in music history, breaking barriers between Hip-Hop and Rock. The music video symbolized unity, with fans of both genres rapping and rocking together. This collaboration sparked the birth of genres like Nu-Metal and Rap-Metal.

American music's influence spans the globe. As a teenager, I realized its impact worldwide, seeing how artists abroad embraced American music. The Rolling Stones drew inspiration from Muddy Waters, a testament to music's cross-cultural reach. Keith Urban, an Australian country star, embodies American southern vibes despite his origins.

Music's unifying power shines brightest in times of loss. Michael Jackson's passing united the world in grief, transcending race, religion, and nationality. We mourned together as fans of his unparalleled talent.

I've experienced firsthand how music bridges divides. My adoptive mother, a tall Southern white woman, and I, a young black man from the city, couldn't be more different outwardly. Yet, our shared love for DMX brought us together. She was the first to break the news of his passing, a moment that bonded us even more deeply.

Music, as Jerry Estes says, is the universal language that erases our differences. It creates a world where we stand together, singing as one. Let's cherish this art form, for a single song has the power to unite us all.

by Zew Apparel


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